Thursday, March 4, 2010

Some things happen for a reason

Well, after everything was revealed yesterday I seem to understand that some things in life happen for a reason, some reasons more inmportant than others. I thought I loved Olivia, but really I just couldn't let go of the past.
Since Olivia never had feelings for me I could never just move on and focus on the future.
What happened the other day is my friend Cesario did not turn out to be who I thought he was. Cesario really went by the name of Viola. Yes, I know what your thinking. Viola is a girls name which means Cesario is really a girl.>:P I feel fate does things for a reason and there was a reason for Olivia not loving me.
A strong bond began to form between Cesario and I, but now I don't have to feel wierd about this anymore because Cesario's a girl and for some reason two people of the same gender, kissing, is frowned upon. :( Even though I never got to marry that fine lady, Olivia, I discovered that some things not happening are for the best and now I'm marrying this even hotter girl, Viola. I have to say though that the only down side to this crazy situation is that people keep on making fun of me about marrying a dude. Well, She's not perfect, but at least I get some,"Bom chica a wow wow time". If you know what I mean... ;)

the peace minded Duke Orsino ;)

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Act 5 Scene 1 continued...

Well I'm back and my story for today isn't over just yet. The fuzz showed with this guy Antonio and he started babling about how he rescued Cesario from a ship wreck and was helping him get back on his feet. Everything was normal until Cesario claimed that he had no clue of what the hell was going on. I really hate when normal shit gets complicated. Anyways, to make things more complicated the sexy Olivia shows up and starts talking about how Cesario ditched her today after they got married. I turn my head for one second and the woman of my dreams gets MARRIED...
Then a man who looks like Cesario showed up followed by sir Toby and sir Andrew who were both bleeding and Olivia's servant Malvolio who was pissed off and talking about some letter. All I know is someone better start to explain themselves before I take this to the matter of the fuzz.

The really confused Duke. :P

Act 5 Scene 1

Dear blog,

Today I was minding my own business when I bumped into Olivia's servents, one of which was the clown who played that beautiful song in the time that I was chillin on my couch thinking about Olivia. Well that clown was babling on about something no one could understand. A person would think when you ask someone a simple question like how are you doing, they would answer back with a simple sentence, but this guy has to make everything he says complicated. Anyways, I felt bad for the guy so I gave him some cash since I'm filthy rich. Then a guy by the name of Antonio who used to fight on the streets and steal money from people showed up and my servant Cesario said this was the dude who saved him... Well I've got to go to the washroom so I'll be back shortly.

Act 2 scene 4

Dear blog,

If love is another word for disappointment then I am definately in love. Once again I try to convince the love of my life that I'm the one for her and I'm turned down instantly. Today was just another day of sitting on the couch and getting my servents to do whatever the hell I told them. I have a new servent though, who goes by the name of cesario. He puts a smile on face so thats why I keep him around. What's funny is the conversation I had with this young boy today. I talked to him about the troubles I'm having with the ladies and he seemed to have no clue about what I was getting at. Then I asked him if he had ever been in love before and he responded by saying he had fallen in love with some chick who was my age. I guess he likes a woman who can mother him. This young fool probably has some mother issues or something, anyways it isn't any of my business so I'm just going to stick with my own lady problems.

the Duke :(

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Act 1 Scene 1

Dear blog,

Today I had yet
another pitiful day. The reason for this is Olivia. I love her but it seems she doesn't feel the same way and she won't even take a second to give me the time of day. I can't seem to find in flaws in me. I'm the most handsome man in all of Illyria but I guess she doesn't seem to think that. I spend every day ruling Illyria, as if that isn't enough hard work already, and now I have to go chase the love of my life. Well you know what, life is just not fair. If Olivia loves her dead brother then imagine how much she should love me. Well I've got to go think this all over.


Duke. :(